Siddhanth Kapoor, son of veteran Bollywood actor Shakti Kapoor and brother of Shraddha Kapoor, was arrested by the Karnataka Police while partying at a five-star hotel within the limits of Halasuru police station on Sunday. After getting a lead, the police conducted a surprise raid and took 35 people including Siddanth into custody for consuming drugs.
After medical tests confirmed that Siddhanth Kapoor had consumed cocaine, he appeared before the police on Tuesday. He told them during inquiry that someone had given him drinks and cigarettes laced with drugs. He also told the investigators that he did not know about the drugs.
“Siddhanth Kapoor claimed that drugs were mixed in his drinks and he didn’t know about it. He told the police that he had been in Bengaluru many times to attend parties as a DJ. This was the fourth time that he went to the hotel from where he was arrested. We have got the guest list and suspicious persons will be called for questioning, “Bhimashankar Guled, DCP (East) was quoted as saying by IANS.
The police have seized Siddhanth’s phone and four other accused and sent them for data retrieval. The officials are also looking into the drug peddling angle. The luxury hotel owner and the organizers of the rave party have been sent notices. The event management company representatives are also being called for questioning.
Along with Siddhanth Kapoor, the police have arrested Akhil Soni, business manager of Mind Fire Solutions, Harjoth Singh, an industrialist, Hani, a digital marketing entrepreneur, and Akhil, a photographer. The police had seized 7 gm MDMA crystals and 10 gm marijuana after raiding the rave party at The Park in Bengaluru late on Sunday night.
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