Laal Singh Chaddha took a weaker than expected start at the box office on day 1. The advance booking was not promising to begin with and the lack of interest shown since morning was showing. The Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor star has sent shock waves in the trade and film industry and the second day collections will only increase those shock waves. Laal Singh Chaadha opened at the low end of pre-release trade estimates, collecting only ₹12 crore nett on Day 1 on Rankingholiday, and our trade sources reveal that collections were down 30% on Day 2, Friday, which despite being a normal business day, needed a spike.
Laal Singh Chaddha box office collection day 2 prediction
There is no euphemistic way of saying this: Laal Singh Chaddha is another big ticket Bollywood biggie which is struggling to trade but it was expected given the lack of interest from the masses and the youth before the release. However, the opportunity for improvement that everyone was hoping for against hope did not come on the second day, with cash collection is expected to be in the range of Rs 10-11 crore nett, with a very slim chance of matching Day 1 numbers only if the evening and night shows pick up drastically.
Laal Singh Chaddha underperforms everywhere but here…
The Delhi, NCR and East Punjab regions fare better, but even in these territories, Laal Singh Chaddha’s collections are hardly anything to write home about. Apart from these places, the Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor starrer is extremely bad in all the mainstream circuits including UP, Bihar, CI, Gujarat and Rajasthan. The opening was too small for this kind of budget and star cast as Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 released to 14.11 crores nett. Even the southern numbers are lower than what it is Aamir Khan’s movieusually collects where it is largest Bollywood star after Shah Rukh Khan, while Mumbai and Pune are also poor outside of high-end multiplexes.
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