Just like most other Bollywood celebrities, Ajay Devgn and Kajol love driving around in style. In 2019, Ajay Devgn brought home an uber-cool Rolls Royce Cullinan that set him back by ₹6.5 crore. Along with this beastly luxury SUV, Devgn also was the first Bollywood actor to buy the Maserati Quattroporte, when he bought this in 2008. As per Cartoq, the car costs upwards of ₹1.5 crore and comes equipped with a 4.7-litre V8 petrol engine that can generate 431bhp and 490Nm torque.
3. A private jet
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And, if the Maserati Quattroporte wasn’t enough, Devgn also became one of the first Bollywood actors to get himself a private jet. It was an Economic Times report that tipped him to be the first Bollywood actor to own a private jet. Devgn bought a six-seater Hawker 800 aircraft that he often uses for promotions, shootings and personal use. According to a report in Times Now, the price of the aircraft is a staggering ₹84 crore.
4. Two bungalows in Juhu
Ajay Devgn’s Shivshakti is one of the most popular Bollywood addresses in Juhu, Mumbai – an area that also houses a collection of Bachchan bungalows. Interestingly, the Devgns, as recently as May 2021, bought another swanky property in Juhu. Just a stone’s throw away from this bungalow. The new home is worth a whopping Rs 60 crore, per TOI. Read all about it here.
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