As the eighth Marvel series released on Disney+ and the 46th Marvel Cinematic Universe title released overall since 2008, She-Hulk arrives with a lot of history behind it. But although one could wallow in the past 45 installments of the ever-ongoing MCU soap opera, life is short, and peak TV is vast. More importantly, as She-Hulk is a new character coming from one of Marvel’s least explored franchises, the amount of Marvel movies and TV shows necessary to catch up ahead of her arrival is surprisingly manageable.
She-Hulk is the superhero name of Jennifer Walters, a New York City attorney and cousin to one Bruce Banner, better known as the Avenger The Hulk. The series has already revealed it would change how Walters gains her Hulk powers. (In the comics, she’s in a bad car accident, and Bruce’s blood transfusion comes with a side of Green Giantess Goodness.) However, the Hulk will still be a significant force in Walter’s life.
He’s not the only one, either. She-Hulk’s courtroom cases will bring in several familiar faces from previous Marvel adventures. Here’s a rundown of who to expect and which shows and movies to check out ahead of time to know them better.
Due to the rights issues surrounding the film, The Incredible Hulk is streaming on HBO Max. Everything else on this list is available via Disney+ along with the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, except for the Spider-Man films, which are available via Starz’s standalone streaming service.