More than a few major celebrities are currently filming in Vancouver, so keep your eyes peeled when you’re walking down the streets!
From Community‘s Joel McHale to Wednesday’s Christina Ricci, there’s a whole boatload of celebrities you could bump into this month.
Here are six different actors and actresses in Vancouver right now.
Nicolas Cage
Famous actor Nicolas Cage can be spotted roaming the streets of Vancouver while filming a new horror-thriller film, Longlegs, according to IMDb.
Longlegs is in production from now until February 23, according to Creative BC.
Christina Ricci
Christina Ricci, who you may recognize from Netflix’s Wednesday series is currently in Vancouver for the second season of Yellowjackets.
This series will be in production until February 17, according to Creative BC.
Joel McHale
Community actor, Joel McHale is currently in Vancouver for the first season of Animal Control, according to IMDb. The new show will be in production until January 25, according to Creative BC.
Tyler Hoechlin
Superman & Lois is currently filming season three in Vancouver, up until March 13, according to Creative BC. Tyler Hoechlin, who plays Superman in the series, is currently in the city for it.
Grant Gustin
The Flash‘s main actor, Grant Gustin, can be spotted roaming around Vancouver while filming the ninth season of the series.
According to Creative BC, this show will be in production until March 6.
Cole Sprouse
Cole Sprouse, who you may know as Jughead from Riverdale, is in town filming the seventh season of the drama series.
Riverdale is filming in the city from now until June 23, according to Creative BC.
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