Kareena Kapoor Khan is the ultimate DIVA and fashionista of Bollywood. There’s hardly been a time when Bebo has disappointed us with her fashion choices. Right from the moment the Good Newwz actress entered the Indian film industry, Kareena Kapoor Khan has been casting the spell on everyone. Recently, when Kareena attended her cousin Ranbir Kapoor’s wedding with Alia Bhatt, the actress yet again slayed like a DIVA. She wore a white lehenga choli for the mehendi function while a sheer pink saree for the wedding. And both of her looks were widely appreciated by the fans. Kareena Kapoor knows how to carry any outfit and make it look like perfection. So, we thought of sharing more of Bebo’s looks in which she slayed in white and pink ensembles.
Firstly, we will have a dekko at the Laal Singh Chaddha actress’ attires for the Brahmastra duo’s wedding. Kareena opted for Manish Malhotra couture on both days. She looks ethereal like princess in the mehendi look while like a begum in the saree look. Check out the pictures here:
Here’s KKK in another Manish Malhotra ensemble. The actress wore a sequined saree in salmon pink. Manish Malhotra’s sequin sarees are quite popular.
The begum never fails to impress. Here’s Bebo in a pink and gold ensemble. Kareena here, is seen in Abhinav Mishra.
Bebo always slays in whites. The actress here is seen in Anita Dongre couture. She looks regal, don’t you think?
Kareena is always open to experimenting when it comes to fashion. Each of her sarees are styled differently. Here’s a pastel white and black saree from House of Masaba.
Here’s one from Bebo’s photoshoot for a jewellery brand. She looks gorgeous, no?
Here’s a jumpsuit in a corset style. Though it also includes black, the white overpowers somehow. Or maybe, it’s just Kareena.
Another lehenga choli in white. Bebo loves to wear lehengas in white, it seems.
Can Kareena make a floral dress look any prettier?
Here’s when Bebo stole hearts at the Lux Golden Rose Awards. This remains one of her epic looks.
Here’s another look from the event. A halter-neck style is Kareena’s favourite.
Last but not least, an ensemble worthy of worship.
Which of the aforementioned looks of the Laal Singh Chaddha actress did you like most? Tweet to us @bollywood_life and let us know.
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